Hur kan
vi skilja på destruktiva och konstruktiva sätt att tala om synd?
Finns det något sätt att tala om synd som hjälper och inte stjälper
mänsklig blomstring?
Detta är
temat för föredraget som utgör dagens "Mötesplats". Talar gör
NIkolaus Wandinger, professor i systematisk teologi vid Innsbrucks
Wandinger beskriver sitt föredrag så här:
Talk of
“sin” is often seen as a dangerous element of an oppressive
religious morality that is outdated – or on the contrary as
belittlement of what should better be called criminal
As a dogmatic theologian, my view on sin is not so much on deeds
that might be qualified as such but on the meaning of the concept
itself: Is it really just the theological parallel to what one
would call immoral acts? If so, shouldn’t we do without it?
In a sound Christian theology, “sin” is not so much a moral but a
spiritual concept about our relation to God; and the even stranger
looking idea of "original sin" is not meant to place an additional
burden of guilt on believers but to interpret the difficulties we
face in being faithful to our own moral standards.
About the Podcast
En podd om Gud, universum och allting med Christoffer Skogholt, Peter Westermark och Erik Åkerlund. Podden produceras i samarbete med Sändaren, Teologiska fakulteten vid Uppsala universitet och Newmaninstitutet.
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